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The world economy: a coming crash?

In many respects, the world economy looks in relatively good shape. Yet there is potential for economic problems ahead. One assessment notes: ‘After a rocky 2018 and truly rough patches in 2019, especially particular sectors such as global manufacturing and U.S. agriculture, the consensus outlook for the global economy next year is surprisingly sanguine.’
But the article then notes that the positive mood is based on some optimistic assumptions. There are a host of worries by a variety of causes, including ‘still-simmering trade tensions, the ongoing Brexit saga, China’s economic transformation, worries about a sharp market correction, central banks with few bullets left to fire, historically massive piles of debt, or the usual geopolitical risks that could upend the best of projections’.
Is the world economy set for a major correction in 2020? Are we overdue a crash like the one in 2008? Have we managed to resolve any of the problems that created that crisis?
Rob Lyons
convenor, AoI Economy Forum
2019: the economic picture isn’t rosy, Phil Mullan, spiked, 30 December 2018
The Global Economy 2020: A Positive Outlook Shadowed by China, Debt, and Trade Tensions, Keith Johnson, Foreign Policy, 31 December 2019
Interview: Miranda Carr macro strategist at Haitong International - Anticipating a global reset, Daniel Ben-Ami, IPE, January 2020
Pessimists are predicting a global crash in 2020. You can see why, Philip Inman, Observer, 5 January 2019
The next crash: why the world is unprepared for the economic dangers ahead, Grace Blakeley, New Statesman, 6 March 2019
Next crash will hit Europe much harder than financial crisis, warns Moody’s, Telegraph, 18 November 2019
Although the business cycle has got longer, the rate of growth within these expansions has got slower, Jeremy Warner, Telegraph, 7 January 2020
Predictions for 2020: “Slowbalisation” is the new globalisation, PwC, January 2020