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in the media Monday 19 October

Covid-19: balancing the risks

Councils should ‘stop shaping all policies based on counting Covid cases and need to start balancing risks across a broader spectrum’, writes Claire Fox in her MJ column. READ MORE

in the media Thursday 17 September

A question of equality

Councils should ‘be consciously biased against those who refuse to see us as individuals beyond our skin colour’, argues Claire Fox in the MJ READ MORE

in the media Friday 29 May

Don’t put democracy on lockdown

In the MJ, Claire Fox asks if it is undemocratic for local areas to introduce fundamental shifts in transport policy as ‘settled’ without a proper public discussion. READ MORE

aoi news Tuesday 5 May

Academy of Ideas newsletter, May 2020

Our monthly roundup of AoI events and activities. READ MORE

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Tilting at windmills: are there downsides to a ‘green recovery’?

Monday 23 November, 7pm (UK time), online, via Zoom