events archive

‘Fahrenheit 451’ by Ray Bradbury

7:00pm, Thursday 30 July, online, via Zoom

Professor Dennis Hayes introduces a discussion of the dystopian classic. READ MORE

Classical inspirations: JS Bach and Helmut Lachenmann

7:30pm, Tuesday 28 July, online, via Zoom

Gabriella Swallow takes us through two composers, 200 years apart, who have inspired her development as a cellist. READ MORE

From furlough to mask-wearing: can we ever return to normal?

7:30pm, Wednesday 22 July, online, via Zoom

Morality and Hell: the power of Dante’s Inferno

7:30pm, Wednesday 8 July, online, via Zoom

In the next discussion in our ‘Ask an Artist’ series, novelist Dolan Cummings talks about how Dante’s Divine Comedy inspired his second novel. READ MORE

How innovation works

7:00pm, Tuesday 7 July, online, via Zoom

Matt Ridley will introduce a discussion of his new book. READ MORE

After toppling statues: is it time to rewrite the curriculum?

7:00pm, Monday 6 July, online, via Zoom

Join this Education Forum panel to discuss the impact of the protests on education. READ MORE

Covid-19 and the economy, part four: Italy / South Africa

7:00pm, Wednesday 1 July, online, via Zoom

events archive