events archive

The state and the recession

2:00pm, Sunday 27 September 2009, Please .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) if you would like to attend.

What role for the Third Sector?

7:30pm, Thursday 24 September 2009, Contact .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) for more information.

Free range kids?

7:00pm, Tuesday 22 September 2009, Please .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) if you would like to attend.

The Myth of Racist Kids

7:00pm, Monday 21 September 2009, Contact for more information.

“Take them away” - children and families in ‘Broken Britain’

7:00pm, Sunday 13 September 2009, Please .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) if you would like to attend.

‘Something To Tell You’

7:00pm, Tuesday 8 September 2009, If you would like to attend the Book Club, or would like further information, please join the Institute of Ideas and contact Geoff Kidder on 020 7269 9224 or email

events archive