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Economy Forum
The Academy of Ideas Economy Forum meets regularly in London to discuss political economy across both the developed and emerging economies. Meetings range from examinations of the latest trends in the world economy to discussions of classic economics texts or theories.
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Tilting at windmills: are there downsides to a ‘green recovery’?
Monday 23 November, 7pm (UK time), online, via Zoom

events archive
Beyond Confrontation: Globalists, Nationalists and Their Discontents
7:00pm, Wednesday 9 September
How innovation works
7:00pm, Tuesday 7 July
Covid-19 and the economy, part four: Italy / South Africa
7:00pm, Wednesday 1 July
Covid-19 and the economy: the oil industry
7:00pm, Wednesday 10 June
International disorder: has Covid-19 killed globalism?
7:00pm, Monday 1 June
Covid-19 and the economy, part three: the USA
7:00pm, Wednesday 13 May
Covid-19 and the economy, part two: China
7:00pm, Wednesday 6 May
Covid-19 and the economy, part one: Germany / developing world
7:00pm, Wednesday 29 April
Covid-19: how can we escape a coronavirus depression?
7:00pm, Thursday 23 April
How will coronavirus affect Johnsonomics?
6:45pm, Wednesday 1 April
The world economy: a coming crash?
7:15pm, Tuesday 21 January
Central banking: behind the mystique
6:45pm, Thursday 10 October 2019
What is Corbynomics?
6:45pm, Thursday 11 July 2019
From trade war to world war?
6:45pm, Thursday 13 June 2019
A beginner’s guide to the mining industry
6:45pm, Monday 13 May 2019
How can we revive UK economic growth?
7:00pm, Monday 8 April 2019
Is it the end of the road for cars?
7:00pm, Monday 11 February 2019
Is capitalism digging its own grave?
7:00pm, Tuesday 11 September 2018
Why the backlash against Silicon Valley?
7:00pm, Thursday 28 June 2018
The future of pensions
6:45pm, Thursday 26 April 2018
Automation: will it destroy jobs or make new ones?
6:45pm, Tuesday 13 February 2018
China’s urban growth
6:45pm, Wednesday 6 December 2017
Where will we get the workers? Immigration and skills after Brexit
6:45pm, Wednesday 6 September 2017
Election 2017 and the economy
6:45pm, Tuesday 6 June 2017
Bookshop Barnie: ‘Creative Destruction’ by Phil Mullan
6:30pm, Monday 3 April 2017
The Internet of Things and Industry 4.0
6:45pm, Thursday 2 March 2017
Behavioural economics
6:45pm, Thursday 19 January 2017
What now for ‘gig’ working and the sharing economy?
6:45pm, Wednesday 30 November 2016
The UK economy after Brexit
6:45pm, Wednesday 27 July 2016
Charlemagne revisited? The politics and economy of the EU
6:45pm, Monday 23 May 2016
Stay-at-home economics: is world trade in decline?
7:00pm, Wednesday 16 March 2016
The end of the East Asian economic miracle?
6:45pm, Monday 28 September 2015
The sharing economy: should we believe the hype?
6:45pm, Tuesday 8 September 2015
Democracy in America
7:00pm, Wednesday 15 July 2015
What next for the UK economy?
7:00pm, Tuesday 28 April 2015
The collapse of oil prices: origins and impacts
7:00pm, Thursday 19 February 2015
FDI and the Britishness of the British economy
7:00pm, Tuesday 3 February 2015
Back to protectionism? The future of world trade
7:00pm, Wednesday 26 November 2014
America’s new technocratic elite
6:45pm, Tuesday 16 September 2014
Adam Smith: The Theory of Moral Sentiments
6:45pm, Wednesday 25 June 2014
Quantitative Easing: will it ever stop?
6:45pm, Wednesday 30 April 2014
Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations
6:45pm, Thursday 27 February 2014
Austrian Economics
7:00pm, Tuesday 10 December 2013
The Entrepreneurial State
6:45pm, Tuesday 1 October 2013
The Truth about Neoliberalism
6:45pm, Thursday 27 June 2013
A New Industrial Revolution?
6:45pm, Tuesday 7 May 2013
The limits and dangers of muddling through
7:00pm, Tuesday 5 March 2013
The state of industrial policy
7:00pm, Wednesday 5 December 2012
The Giants of Asia
7:00pm, Tuesday 25 September 2012
The moral limits of markets
7:00pm, Thursday 30 August 2012
The military-industrial complex today
7:00pm, Thursday 14 June 2012
When all the fruit is gone
7:00pm, Tuesday 17 April 2012
Can we afford equality?
7:00pm, Tuesday 28 February 2012
It’s Christmas in Euroland
7:00pm, Thursday 15 December 2011
Less cash? More inequality?
7:00pm, Wednesday 21 September 2011
The Fate of the Dollar
7:00pm, Wednesday 3 August 2011
Inflation: is the problem getting bigger?
7:30pm, Wednesday 1 June 2011
Behavioural Economics
7:00pm, Thursday 5 May 2011
Global Imbalances
7:00pm, Thursday 24 March 2011
The New Economics
7:00pm, Thursday 10 February 2011
Where in the world is the economy going?
2:00pm, Wednesday 15 December 2010
Capitalism 4.0
2:00pm, Sunday 10 October 2010
Does Britain need an industrial policy?
2:00pm, Sunday 5 September 2010
Income distribution in China
2:00pm, Sunday 20 June 2010
Economic crisis in Greece
2:00pm, Sunday 30 May 2010
America the rich?
2:00pm, Sunday 25 April 2010
The Redefinition of Poverty
2:00pm, Sunday 21 February 2010
Future of Capitalism
2:00pm, Sunday 6 December 2009
The state and the recession
2:00pm, Sunday 27 September 2009
New Philanthropy & Financial Engineering
2:00pm, Sunday 23 August 2009
UK – the productive economy
2:00pm, Sunday 2 August 2009
Bookshop Barnie: Nandan Nilekani on ‘Imagining India: Ideas for the New Century’
2:00pm, Thursday 23 April 2009
A Brave New World: Are the emerging economies the new technological innovators?
7:00pm, Thursday 16 October 2008
Can India compete with China as an economic superpower?
2:00pm, Sunday 14 September 2008
Commission on Growth and Development Report
2:00pm, Sunday 3 August 2008
Is China the economic saviour of the 21st century?
7:00pm, Wednesday 28 May 2008
Food and Commodities Inflation
2:00pm, Sunday 27 April 2008
Global Equality
2:00pm, Sunday 30 March 2008
The Credit Crunch
2:00pm, Sunday 2 March 2008
Understanding Future Shifts
2:00pm, Sunday 27 January 2008