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Special CAF on Anti-Consumerism

7:00pm, Thursday 16 July 2009, Please .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) if you would like to attend.

One narrative of the recession claims that over-consumption, particularly in the US and UK, is to blame: we’ve all been living beyond our means and the recession is our come-uppance. But critiques of consumerism long pre-date the crash, with influential accounts from across the political spectrum placing moral, social, economic and environmental problems at the door of ‘rampant consumerism’. On 7 July, a similar critique emerged from a more traditional source. The Pope’s first encyclical on social issues called for an ‘ethical dimension’ to capitalism and urged society to undertake a ‘serious review of its lifestyle, which in many parts of the world is prone to hedonism and consumerism…’ - an argument which finds accord with constituencies far beyond that of religious moralists.

This forum, CAF members will attend ‘All Consuming’, a debate on consumerism being held at the RSA (18.00 - 19.15), before adjourning to The Lemon Tree pub to discuss the issues brought up by the event and attitudes towards consumerism more broadly (19.30 - 20.30). We will also be joined by one of the speakers, the financial journalist Daniel Ben-Ami.

Tickets to the RSA event are free, but we urge you to reserve your place ASAP to avoid disappointment. Even if you are not able to make the RSA event, please do come to the pub for the discussion afterwards.

All Consuming @ The RSA:

The Lemon Tree is only a couple of blocks away from the RSA, just across The Strand. 4 Bedfordbury, London, WC2N 4BP


Aping the super-rich
Neal Lawson, Guardian Comment is free, 20 June 2008

Cynical capitalism, cynical anti-capitalism
Dolan Cummings, Culture Wars, 4 March 2008

Is consumerism really dead?
David Aaronovitch, The Times, 24 January 2009

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