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‘Broken Britain’: can we fix it?

7:30pm, Thursday 30 April 2009, Bishopsgate Institute, 230 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 4QH

In their famous post-war study ‘Family and Kinship in East London’, Young and Wilmott romanticised a period when a sense of community seemed to thrive. Today, in contrast, there is a widespread conviction that we live in a ‘broken society’, with endless stories of feckless parents or feral children, and a collapse of ‘respect’ and ‘trust’. Will government initiatives such as Community Service Volunteers, Citizens Panels and Commissions on Integration and Cohesion help to create new social solidarities? Or do such official interventions threaten to undermine the very relations they seek to create?


Eamonn Butler, director, Adam Smith Institute; author, The Rotten State of Britain (Gibson Square, 2009)
Alastair Donald, urban designer, researcher and writer; co-editor, The Future of Community: Reports of a Death Greatly Exaggerated
Yvonne Roberts, senior associate, The Young Foundation
Steve Wyler, Director, DTA (Development Trusts Association) - Transforming communities for good.

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