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Book Club: The Children Act by Ian McEwan

7:00pm, Wednesday 25 February 2015, Central London

Tim Black will introduce The Children Act by Ian McEwan.
Fiona Maye is a leading High Court judge, presiding over cases in the family court. She is called on to try an urgent case: for religious reasons, a beautiful 17-year-old boy, Adam, is refusing the medical treatment that could save his life, and his devout parents share his wishes. Time is running out. Should the secular court overrule sincerely held faith? In the course of reaching a decision Fiona visits Adam in hospital – an encounter which stirs long-buried feelings in her and powerful new emotions in the boy. Her judgment has momentous consequences for them both.

Dilemmas of religion and the law, secularism and conscience. There are no easy answers in The Children Act.

Read Tim Black’s review here.

There is a £5 charge for room hire, to be paid on the night.

Email Geoff Kidder to reserve a place.


Tim Black

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