events archive

Battle of Ideas satellite events

Events from Manchester to Malta, Stockholm to Porto

1:34am, Friday 21 November 2014, UK, Europe and the USa

After the success of the Battle of Ideas weekend on 18 & 19 October, our satellite events continue until mid-November.


Tuesday 28 October 2014, Manchester
Playing God? The ethics of biomedicine

Thursday 30 October 2014, London
Criminalising football fans

Tuesday 4 November 2014, London
You can’t say that! Free speech in an age of offence

Thursday 13 November 2014, Birmingham
Risky business? Fracking and the future of energy


Wednesday 5 November 2014, Stockholm, Sweden
Populism and identity: the changing face of European democracy

Wednesday 5 November 2014, Porto, Portugal
What is architecture for?

Thursday 6 November 2014, Valletta, Malta
Debating the principles of a free press: is the media too free or not enough?

Wednesday 12 November 2014, Brussels, Belgium
Populism or protest?

Thursday 13 November 2014, Zürich, Switzerland
Business bashing: should corporates ‘care’?

Wednesday 19 November 2014, Nashville, USA
Judging History

Thursday 20 November 2014, Berlin-Friedrichshain, Germany
The new populists in Europe: a threat to democracy or opening up debate?

events archive