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Social Policy Forum

Social policy is apparently everywhere these days, embedded in everything from soap opera storylines to arts funding criteria. Yet, for all its pervasiveness in our culture, it is rarely discussed in its own terms. This is a problem because instead of policy makers trying to find ways to better meet people’s needs, they are more likely to be found promoting behavioural change or advocating intrusive interventions into people’s lives. The Social Policy Forum aims to challenge social policy by stealth, while taking a closer look at some key policy debates on everything from housing, social care and welfare, to the reforms of local government and public services.



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Read the Social Policy Forum’s 2012 publication Society Wars.
Read the Social Policy Forum’s 2010 election statement

events archive

Working from home: is it working?

7:00pm, Wednesday 30 September

Behind the frontline

7:00pm, Monday 8 June

Knife crime: what’s going on?

7:30pm, Wednesday 26 June 2019

Are we getting lonelier?

7:00pm, Wednesday 26 April 2017

NHS in crisis… again

7:00pm, Thursday 23 February 2017

Inequality: the scourge of our age?

7:00pm, Thursday 4 August 2016

Sexting Teens: minor freedom or major problem?

8:30pm, Thursday 26 May 2016

Migration crisis: how should Europe respond?

7:00pm, Thursday 28 April 2016

Policy over a Pint: Transgender children

7:00pm, Thursday 25 February 2016

Is children’s mental health the next big epidemic?

7:00pm, Thursday 19 November 2015

Policy over a pint: Calling time on Working Mens’ Clubs

6:30pm, Thursday 26 June 2014

Out of the Ashes

7:00pm, Tuesday 10 September 2013


7:00pm, Thursday 30 May 2013

A crisis of caring?

7:00pm, Tuesday 29 May 2012

Hand-out Britain?

7:00pm, Monday 26 September 2011

Radical Surgery for the NHS? What is a GP’s role today

7:30pm, Tuesday 23 August 2011

How not to defend public services?

7:00pm, Tuesday 31 May 2011

Social Mobility and Education

7:00pm, Thursday 26 May 2011

Nudging towards a Big Society?

7:00pm, Tuesday 29 March 2011

Must poor children become poor adults?

7:00pm, Thursday 17 February 2011

Cutting down the quango state

7:00pm, Thursday 2 September 2010

Is the Big Society good for society?

7:00pm, Thursday 29 July 2010

On the frontline?

7:00pm, Wednesday 9 June 2010

Heartlanders or landlords? Can housing build communities or aspirations?

7:00pm, Monday 26 April 2010

Designing behaviour and healthcare

7:00pm, Wednesday 24 February 2010

Database State or Smarter Government?

7:00pm, Wednesday 20 January 2010

Family intervention policies

7:30pm, Thursday 26 November 2009

The Public Sector Crisis: is Marketisation and Politicisation to Blame?

7:30pm, Wednesday 14 October 2009

What role for the Third Sector?

7:30pm, Thursday 24 September 2009

The cut-price state: miserable austerity or freedom and accountability?

7:30pm, Tuesday 14 July 2009

The Welfare State: What’s it for?

7:30pm, Tuesday 26 May 2009

The “White Working Class”: forgotten victims, convenient fictions, or just like everyone else?

7:30pm, Tuesday 7 April 2009

Inspiring Communities

7:30pm, Tuesday 17 February 2009

The Future of Community: Reports of a death greatly exaggerated?

7:00pm, Tuesday 20 January 2009