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Migration crisis: how should Europe respond?

Why border control has become a question of democracy.

7:00pm, Thursday 28 April 2016, The Sun (not The Sun Tavern), 21 Drury Lane, London WC2B 5RH

Anyone who says ‘I’m a refugee’ has a legal right to enter or stay in Europe until their circumstances are determined.  This enabled 1.3million migrants to enter the EU in 2015.  Having spent over 20 years arguing for open borders, Jon Holbrook recently wrote two articles claiming that the Refugee Convention should be torn up and that open borders are a libertarian ideal that could not be applied in the twenty-first century.  He’ll explain why there’s now a compelling democratic case for controlled borders.


Jon Holbrook
barrister and writer on legal issues for spiked and the New Law Journal

Listen to Jon Holbrook’s opening remarks

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