The EU referendum debate
A selection of resources from the Academy of Ideas archive.
Debating Matters has produced a topic guide for the debate ‘The UK Should Withdraw from the European Union’, which provides a summary of the key arguments on both sides and links to useful articles from around the web. Read the topic guide here.
Brexit: ‘Teachers must dispel the myths about themselves, their pupils and their parents, and Europe itself’
Claire Fox, TES, 6 March 2016
Even pro-EU people don’t like the EU
Rob Lyons, spiked, 30 March 2016
£4,300 to quit the EU? Bring me my cheque book
Professor Bill Durodié, The Conversation, 23 May 2016
Battle of Ideas debates
Watch video of recent debates on Europe and read background articles on the topics.
Can the UK economy survive Brexit?
Battle of Ideas 2015
Would leaving the EU deprive the UK of valuable markets or has the EU now become a barrier to economic growth?
Is Europe… boring?
Battle of Ideas 2012
Has the European project been too successful, providing peace and stability right across the continent? Or has it taken away the ability of voters to hold decision makers to account?
Europe’s new far right, fear or fantasy?
Battle of Ideas 2012
Would the break-up of the European Union lead to the rise of right-wing parties?
Rise of European populism: the revenge of politics?
Battle of Ideas 2011
Why have populist parties, like UKIP, the Front National and SYRIZA, done so well in recent elections? Has the disconnection between peoples and politicians, particularly in Brussels, provoked a backlash?
Whose borders are they anyway?
Battle of Ideas 2014
Is the nation state dying? Does the future lie with a mix of supranational institutions like the EU and greater regional autonomy?
Immigration: who should control our borders?
Battle of Ideas 2014
One of the key issues in the referendum debate is the claim that there are too many people coming to the UK, particularly from Eastern Europe. But are immigrants a burden or a benefit - and who should decide who can live and work in the UK?
11 March 2016
Claire Fox, David Bowden and Rob Lyons discuss the pros and cons of Brexit.
24 February 2016
Polemical filmmaker Martin Durkin argues the case for leaving the EU.
5 February 2016
The IoI team discuss the referendum campaign.
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Barb Jungr’s Musical Inspirations
Tuesday 8 December, 7pm (UK), online, via Zoom