
Thursday 24 March 2016, Rossa Minogue

Podcast of Ideas: Must Rhodes Fall?

Claire Fox and Ian Dunt discuss the Rhodes Must Fall movement

In this edition of the Podcast of Ideas, David Bowden talks to Claire Fox and journalist Ian Dunt about the Rhodes Must Fall movement, which has swept campuses from Cape Town to Oxford demanding that vestiges of colonialism be removed from colleges, notably statues of Cecil Rhodes.

Does the movement represent young people boldly trying to shape the world around them? Or, is it a misguided attempt by privileged students to rewrite the past by shutting down debate and making anachronistic claims to be victims of historical wrongs?

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CONTACT Rossa Minogue




Keeping Their Marbles

7:00pm, Tuesday 19 April 2016, Keynes Library, School of Arts, Birkbeck, University of London, 43 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PD


The EU referendum debate

what's happening next

The unintended consequences of lockdown

Wednesday 2 December, 7pm, online, via Zoom