
Tuesday 28 June 2016, Rossa Minogue

Podcast of Ideas: post-referendum special

Rob Lyons, Claire Fox and David Bowden discuss the fallout from the Brexit vote.

In a historic week where the British public voted to leave the European Union, sparking one of the most tumultuous political upheavals in living memory and causing hysteria across the political establishment and the media, Rob Lyons, Claire Fox and David Bowden offer some much needed sane analysis and give their visions of where we should go from here to ensure we build a more democratic, more prosperous and freer Britain. 

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CONTACT Rossa Minogue




Brexit: the battle for democracy starts here

7:00pm, Wednesday 29 June 2016, Galleon Suite A - Royal National Hotel (Woburn Place entrance), London, WC1H 0DG

what's happening next

Barb Jungr’s Musical Inspirations

Tuesday 8 December, 7pm (UK), online, via Zoom