Brian Denny reminds us that the English folk tradition isn’t all maypoles and Morris dancing – the radical roots of English culture run deep. Looking at the seminal work by Edgell Rickword, A Handbook For Freedom, Brian explores the rich history of liberty lovers, from poets and musicians to Chartists and Diggers to philosophers and preachers. He argues that we must remember the working-class history of radical folk and rebellion in order to build a more democratic and freedom-loving future.
Brian Denny is a journalist and curator of Working River: songs and music of the Thames released by the General Federation of Trade Unions Educational Trust. Brian has written numerous articles and pamphlets on the imperialist and neo-liberal nature of the European Union and is the author of Rebuild Britain’s Fishing Industry, published by Rebuild Britain in May 2021. Brian is a singer, songwriter and a lover of folk. Buy a copy of Working River here.