Tracey Follows looks at the future of a new, digital life and asks what challenges it might pose to our freedom. Rather than allowing the self to be fragmented in the online world, she argues that we must protect our digital sovereignty by taking ownership of our data. Through a Digital Bill of Rights, we must prioritise our digital liberty in order to embrace this exciting new world.
Tracey Follows is a futurist and the founder CEO of Futuremade, a futures consultancy. She is the author of The Future of You: can your identity survive 21st-century technology? and host of The Future of You podcast, where she invites renowned academics, authors and innovators to discuss the future of identity in a digital world. Tracey is a member of the Association of Professional Futurists, World Futures Studies Federation, a fellow of the RSA and an associate fellow of the World Academy of Art & Science. Find out more at