Saturday 22 & Sunday 23 October, Barbican, London

Cosmopolitanism and sovereignty: What next for Europe?

Sunday 23 October 2016
SPEAKERS: Professor Frank Furedi

What’s God got to do with it?

Sunday 23 October 2016
SPEAKERS: Professor Tim Crane, Dolan Cummings, Ken MacLeod, Professor Mona Siddiqui, John Waters

What is the truth about ‘post-factual politics’?

Sunday 23 October 2016
SPEAKERS: Professor Frank Furedi, Josh Lowe, Professor Neena Modi, Dr Adam Rutherford

Who are we? Identity politics dissected

Sunday 23 October 2016
SPEAKERS: Dr Julian Baggini, Ivan Hewett, Sunder Katwala, Professor Michele Moody-Adams, Brendan O’Neill

Are political parties over?

Saturday 22 October 2016
SPEAKERS: Emily Barley, James Delingpole, Dr Michael Fitzpatrick, Miranda Green, Jhanelle White

The great inequality debate: are the super rich heroes or villains

Saturday 22 October 2016
SPEAKERS: Daniel Ben-Ami, Dia Chakravarty, Paul Lewis, Joris Luyendijk

Feminism: in conversation with Camille Paglia?

Saturday 22 October 2016
SPEAKERS: Camille Paglia

The new populism

Saturday 22 October 2016
SPEAKERS: Nick Cater, Ian Dunt, Ivan Krastev, Jill Rutter, Bruno Waterfield

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