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What makes a good school?
At a time of confusion over exam rigour and grade boundaries, as well as school types - here an Academy, there a free school - plus proposals for no notice inspections it can be hard to focus on what it is that makes a school good. David Paton, the head of Radnor House School, which an Ofsted Inspection (April 2012) graded as ‘Outstanding’ in every category, placing them in the top 0.5% of schools inspected in the UK, will share his views on this question. For example, the teaching and learning at Radnor House was found to be outstanding, with much of the teaching observed rated as ‘inspirational’. Is this really possible for all schools? If it is, why do so many remain at ‘satisfactory’ - or convert to academies? And are there other ingredients apart from teaching and learning that make a school ‘good’ - or better?