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Cities in culture: a balloon debate
What is the most important representation of the city in culture? This balloon debate asks a panel of speakers to convince you of their choice, from art to non-fiction to literature. You decide!
Each presenter FOUR minutes to make their case followed by a round of questions from the audience Then there is your vote, and the top three will have an additional one minute to convince you to crown the chief cultural representative of the city! It’s a serious but fun event. Come with an open-mind, prepared to be convinced.
Speakers and their choices:
John King, novelist, defending May Dayby John Sommerfield
Fiona Sibley, urban planner, writer and ex-design journalist, defending Less Than Zero by Brett Easton Ellis
Vicky Richardson, writer, curator and Honorary Fellow, RIBA defending The Diary of Samuel Pepys by Samuel Pepys
Tim Abrahams, architectural journalist and publisher, defending Holy Land: A Suburban Memoir by DJ Waldie
Shelagh McNerney, built-environment consultant and ex-head of development, Salford City Council, defending Down and Out in Paris and London by George Orwell
Manick Govinda, arts consultant defending ‘Zoot Suits’ by Edward Burra
Karim Samuels, artist, defending ‘The Beginning of the End’ by S153
Chris Wilkinson, OBE, director, Wilkinson Eyre, defending tbc
This is a joint event by the AoI Book Club, the AoI Arts & Society Forum and the Future Cities Project. Thanks to BDP and all the speakers for taking part.