events archive
Brexit: was nun? (Brexit: what now?)
Was the Brexit referendum a mistake that should be corrected or is it a chance to strengthen democracy in Britain and the EU?
For many commentators, it is clear that the Brexit referendum was a big mistake. For example, Holger Schmale in the Berliner Zeitung wrote: ‘After years of fierce confrontation between the advocates and the opponents of Britain’s exit from the EU, the country has become politically more tattered than ever and ungovernable in a crucial future issue.’ Not even the organization Mehr Demokratie eV, which campaigns for referendums, is satisfied with the Brexit referendum and calls for a repeat of the vote: ‘In contrast to the first Brexit vote, people now know what they vote for’, the group says on its webpage. Was it a mistake to organise the referendum? What can a new vote bring about? How is the situation to be assessed?
Join the discussion, organised by Freiblickinstitut. Find more information here.
Sabine Beppler-Spahl
Diplom-Volkswirtin, chair of the Freiblickinstitut; journalist; author, ‘Brexit - Democratic departure in Great Britain’, Parodos Verlag, April 2019
Eileen O’Sullivan
political student, candidate Volt - The Pan-European Movement
Sabine Beppler-Spahl: „Ja zum Brexit“ in Novo, 27 June 2016
Sabine Beppler-Spahl: „Für eine progressive EU-Kritik“ in Novo, 30 August 2018
Volt Deutschland: „Die Amsterdam Deklaration – Das Volt-Programm für das Europäische Parlament 2019 – 2024“